From the Main Menu, select Front Desk and Arrivals.
Enter search criteria (i.e. Name or Conf. No.) and select Search
Highlight the desired arrival and select Edit to display full reservation details.
Use the Tab Key to move from field to field while verifying all accommodation information.
Once the cursor enters the Room field, Opera automatically assigns the first clean and vacant room available that meets the Rm. Type request.
If this parameter is not applicable for your hotel, follow instructions to post the cash payment manually.
Enter your User Password to login to your cashier and select login.
Enter the amount of cash to post and indicate any additional number of copies of payment receipts to print; select Post to complete.
Answering Yes to posting a payment allows the direct posting of the cash payment.
Answering No does not post a payment and must be posted manually.
Enter your User Password to login to your Cashier and select Login
Enter the amount of cash to post and indicate any additional number of copies of payment receipts to print; select Post to complete.
Answering Yes to posting a payment allows the direct posting of the cash payment.
Answering No does not post a payment and must be posted manually.
Enter your User Password to login to your Cashier and select Login.
Enter the Amount of cash to post and indicate any additional number of Copies of payment receipts to print; select Post to complete.
Payment Code for Cash is the default.
Be sure to select OK to save changes before existing.
To verify the cash payment as posted, note the Gust Balance on the reservation screen; to manually post the cash payment, select the option button.
Select Billing from the Reservation Options.
Enter your Password to login to your Cashier and select Login.
Select the payment button from the guest folio window.
Enter the Amount of cash to post and indicate an additional number of Copies of Payment receipts to print; select post to complete.
Payment Code for Cash is the default for form of payment on the reservation.
Note the posted cash payment on the guest folio and close from then billing window; Close from the Reservation Options.
Be sure to save changes before exiting the reservation.
From the Main Menu, select Front Desk and Arrivals.
Enter search criteria (i.e. Name or Conf. No.) and select search.
Highlight the desired arrival and select Edit to display full reservation details.
Use the Tab key to move from field to field while verifying all accommodation information.
Once the cursor enters the Room field, opera automatically assigns the first clean and vacant room available that meets the Rm. Type request.
Alternate suggestions are listed in the lower left-hand portion of the screen and maybe manually chosen by typing in the Room field.
Select from the drop down arrow next to the Payment field to choose the form of Payment.
Highlight the appropriate Payment Method and select OK.
Check that a Company, Travel Agent or Source profile exists on the reservation for Direct Billing purposes.
This company must have an active AR account to accept Direct Billing charges.
Select OK to save and check-in the guest.
Select Yes to Check-in the guest.
Select yes to print registration card.
Respond OK to the guest’s successful check-in.
Be sure to Close and Save changes before exiting the reservation.
To ensure Routing of charges is setup properly for Direct Billing Charges, from the Main Menu, select Front Desk and then Arrivals.
Enter Name criteria and select search.
Highlight the desire reservation and select Options.
Select the Routing button from the Reservation Options Menu.
If the Company/Travel Agent or Source has default folio instructions answering Yes applies them to this in-house guest.
Note the newly added Routing instructions for this guest.
To create additional routing, select New. If default folio instructions do not exist for the company select New and proceed with creating them.
Close from Routing and Close from the Reservation Options; be sure to save changes to the reservation before exiting.