This screen allows selecting and creating files for mail merge or other purposes.
All changes made to a profile are registered and tracked for research purposes.
Many guests prefer that once the hotel has their credit card number it may be on file for ease of use making future reservations.
The Credit Card option allows all credit cards to register on the guest’s profile.
The Future Reservation screen shows upcoming reservations for an individual, an account, a group, or a source. This screen may be accessed in a number of ways.
All previous reservation, no-shows, cancellations and current-in-house information are in the history tab. It is possible to view Year To Date information on total Revenue produced by the guest as well as accumulated membership points. Finally, from the history tab, any previous folio information is viewable and printable.
If more than one profile for a single guest exists, it is possible to merge the profiles together to combine the statistical information and revenues.
If a hotel has negotiated a discount rate with an individual or company, that rate should be in the profile. Each time you create a new reservation, as long as the profile is accessible for the rate query, only the negotiated rates will return. This functions is fundamental in ensuring that the negotiated rates are available at all times and prevents callbacks and adjustments to room rates.
In this section, record extensive notes about a guest. Most of these are on the profile only, but Reservation Notes have the ability to move to every reservation made by this guest. In this way, guest’s special requirements can be accessible at any time.
The Revenue Overview screen is a concise picture of business originating from the selected account for any period of interest.
This is a valuable tool for managing, tracking and analyzing Opera Data.
The preferences button of the profile option screen, lets you associate preferences (such as favorite room type, desired room features and floor location, choice of wine and newspaper, etc.)
This is the association between and among individuals, companies, travel agents, groups, sources, and other entities in opera.
The Profile Requests features allows you to request that email or print information products