Hotel Management
Sunday, November 22, 2009
In-House Guests
Search Once all search criteria have been entered,
Search locates all in-house guests that fit the search options.
Advance If a an in-house guest cannot be located by the first few options.
New To create new reservation from this screen.
Cancel C/l Cancel Check-In does not cancel the reservation entirely, but only reverses the reservation from checked into reserved/arrival status for later check-in.
From the In-house Guest search result screen, highlight the desired guest and select Cancel C/l.
Only guest that arrived today are eligible to Cancel C/l.
Answer Yes to proceed with the cancellation.
Answering Yes to blocking the room leaves the assign room number blocked on the reservation.
Answering No removes the assignment from the reservation and the rooms becomes available to general inventory.
Depending on your hotel’s policy, select the House Keeping status for the room.
(Generally, if the guest has not arrived, the room would be given the most available status (i.e. Inspected or Clean).
(If the guest arrived and occupied the room for a short length of time, a Pickup status is suggested).
(If the guest occupied the room for a longer length of time, a Dirty status is suggested).
Once the Cancel C/l is complete, the reservation returns to a Due-In reservation status.
Profile Select this option to access the guest’s profile to view or edit.
Options To access all reservation options select this button.
Edit To open the reservation screen to view or edit.